• Marching

    I didn't write about it at the time, but about 10 days ago or so, the kidlets and I took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather and decided to be spectators at the annual Christmas Parade.  It was a great night for the parade, and we got there early to…

  • What?

    I was getting ready to cut into the plastic wrap that seals up the turkey.   YaYa:  (extremely excited, jumping up and down) Does that turkey have a head in there? Me:  Uhm.  No.  They took the head off before they wrapped it up. YaYa:  Oh rats.   Me: Why?…

  • Thanksgiving Eve

    Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  On Thanksgiving Eve, our church has a casual worship service that has been one of my favorite times throughout each year we have lived here. Most of the worship service is different people of all different ages from preschool through extremely elderly grandparents…

  • Five

    First of all, sadly, there are very few pictures of Mr. Sneaky Pants celebrating his fifth birthday.  This is mainly because the birthday happened on a Tuesday, and Tuesdays are very, very crazy days around here.   Most of the celebrating happened before sunrise  and right before bed when it…

  • Books and a Few Random Things

    1.  Reader Friends, I finally got my sidebar list of book links updated.  I have been terrible at this lately! Most things on the list are children's chapter and picture books, since that's what we have spent most of our time reading lately.   2.  Mr. Sneaky Pants spent most…

  • Winter Fruit

    Oh Clementines, Oh Clementines, how I cannot keep you stocked.  I think you grace my fridge with large populations, and then you disappear.  

  • At Work

    Ya Ya's teacher mentioned what a meticulous, hard worker Ya Ya is when I met with her at conferences on Monday.  It's true.  She definitely works at a painstaking pace, making sure everything is just so.  This is very different from how I worked in first and second grade.  I…

  • Cat Nap

    While I was teaching piano lessons to some homeschooled students this afternoon, he listened to The Mouse and the Motorcycle audiobook and fell asleep.  I came into the room after waving goodbye to my neat students, and found these two all curled up on the futon.  Brutus the Cat loves everyone (even…

  • The Large Furry Friend

    This large furry bunny, which actually belongs to Ya Ya, has been going back and forth to preschool each day we need to take Mr. Sneaky Pants and pick him back up.  The bunny rides in the seat Ya Ya usually sits, and has to be carefully buckled in.  Please…

  • Grateful

    This is our carrot crop this year.  The whole crop.  Every last carrot.   Let me just say, that I am very, very thankful that my family doesn't actually depend on me for food.  I'm thankful I have a supermarket within walking distance.  I'm thankful I have enough money to…