• What I Learned in April

    J.S. Bach had 20 children.  (I already knew that).  However, 10 of the children died as infants, preschoolers and children, and another one reached adulthood but was mentally handicapped.  That speaks of a lot of sorrow, heartbreak, and a lot of perseverance.  It makes my stomach hurt just thinking about…

  • Evening Work

    It’s his job to take out the recycling every evening.  Half the time there are bits and pieces of plastic, paper and cardboard scattered randomly along the path to the recycling bin outside, little tidbits that he has dropped without realizing it because he’s intent on doing the job as…

  • Random

    Helicopters have been flying in my house these past few weeks.  There are several, and they add to the chaos exponentially.  They hover and crash.  Their remote control signals get mixed up.  Their short lived battery life invokes tantrums before they are recharged.  They set off the carbon monoxide detector.…

  • Misunderstood

    Every once in awhile my kids will mention something that they didn’t understand when they were younger.  Often the misunderstanding is the result of a subtle difference in meaning for a word, or sometimes it is because they don’t entirely understand h0w something works.  The other day I was driving…

  • The Violin Has Arrived

    The Banana asked “When I am I going to get my violin?” every day for three years.  Three years is a long time when you are seven.  For years I mostly  set the notion of her starting violin to the side on a shelf.  I thought she might change her…

  • Mess of the Week: Floor Art

    On Saturday Mr. Trouble on Feet was invited to a birthday party for his good friend Olivia, who is turning four this week.  He had a wonderful time playing at her house with friends, and best of all, he even got to try out using chopsticks at lunch.  Olivia’s parents…

  • Last Week: A Walk to the Duck Pond

    The big kids and Dr. Peds were at the movie theater with some of our friends.  The weather was beautiful, so I suggested to my little guy that we take a walk to the cemetery to visit the ducks and geese.  We happened to have a lot of stale and…