• Dropping YaYa off at Music Camp

    I spent so many summers attending music camp at the peace gardens.  I worked there for one (terrible summer).  Now YaYa seems to go every summer as well.  This year she worked hard to go for two weeks, and she was beyond excited to get there.  So, it seems, traveling…

  • Look Who’s Learning to Read!

    We found a box of learning-to-read “Biscuit” books at the library sale a few weeks ago, and he’s taken to them like magic.  He’s working so hard, and is so proud of himself.  We read together, but he’s my first kidlet who is so determined to be a successful reader…

  • Estuary

    Last Thursday night, on the recommendation of a fellow musician and an article in the local newspaper, the three youngest kidlets and I attended an opera performance.  Our local opera company is terrific.  I love that we have a local opera company. This opera was written by two  amazing, well…

  • Strawberry Solstice Moon

    I had lots of plans for the summer solstice, and most of my plans were foiled by random, not so very important stuff that just came up.  One of my plans was to take lots and lots of pictures throughout the day.  In the end, I hardly took any pictures…

  • New Eyeglasses

    In this, my 39th year, I have been inspired to bring back the quirkiness of my personality.  I think I might have let my inner crazy become a little disguised this past decade and a half that I’ve been parenting, and I think it’s time to throw back the curtains…

  • Tenzi

      I read about the game Tenzi on another blog (sorry, I forget which one).  The simplicity of the game, simply trying to be the first person to roll ten dice of the same number, and the speed of the game intrigued me.  I actually generally really dislike playing games…

  • Hobble

    The Banana has been out of her cast for about a week now, which is great news.  Now she has a fancy big boot that she wears to stabilize her foot, but the great thing about it is that she can take the boot off to shower and to sleep,…

  • 2016 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 3

    It was chilly and windy.  We brought a snack and put up our hoods.  I promise Dr. Peds and Mr. SP were also present, but for some reason, my camera didn’t catch very much of them that evening.  I’m not sure what motivated the gazelle on the picnic table.  I…