First Baseball Game

Mr. Trouble on Feet is so very excited to be playing baseball.  He loves baseball practice.  He loves baseball games.  He spends all his spare time in the yard throwing balls and catching them, and trying to run around the bases he’s set up in the yard as fast as he can.  He knows almost all the rules, and has analyzed what each person in the infield should do when playing their position.

His first game was last week, and the excitement was, well, uncontainable.  At his age they thankfully do not play for outs, and each player gets to bat each inning and run all the way around the bases so that they learn what to do.  They also use a pitching machine when they are at bat.  Mr. TOF loved every second of the game.  He did a great job hitting the ball when he was batting, and he even made an awesome play that earned him a high five from his coach.

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