Bugs on Driftwood at the Beach

Mr. TOF and I had a lot of fun watching this group of bugs at the beach last Friday.  They are asian lady beetles, and they are kind of fascinating up close.  I’ve loved bugs ever since I was a little girl.  I used to catch butterflies and display them on styrofoam at my grandma’s house.  I tried to build my own ant farm in a jar and keep the ants as pets.  I was fascinated with all the boxelder bugs on the warm side of the house when I was growing up.  I loved seeing how far those creepy grasshoppers could hop on the dried up lawn.  Caterpillars were terrific.  When I was in high school my friends one a science competition about identifying bugs that was part of Science Olympiad.  Now that I’m a grown up, I usually forget to look for bugs when I’m outside, so I’m thankful when my macro lens reminds me to search out the tiny in life.

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